The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

The educators and experts in childhood development at Kangaroo Clubhouse know that all parents want their children to receive the best opportunities and care available. As a focused center for childcare and learning, your child’s advancement and development are of the utmost importance. All children are capable of greatness, and their capacity for learning and growth can sometimes be surprising, even to professionals.

While every child has unique needs and aptitudes, there’s real truth in that you don’t know until you try. Extracurricular activities give children and students the ability to step outside of their previous experiences to discover new strengths.

Discover the importance of extracurricular activities, and how they can help your child excel!

Studies have shown that emotional intelligence is often more valuable and a better indicator of success than IQ. While that doesn’t diminish the significance of education, it does shed light on just how helpful social interaction can be. Learning to play together, enjoy group activities, follow instructions, and better appreciate and understand the emotions of other are all immensely beneficial. From the playground to the boardroom, socialization is key.

Extracurricular activities don’t always have to take place indoors, and they don’t have to avoid sweating! Sports can be a great way to practice team building, develop motor skills, and work up a sweat. Exercise is great for overall health and well-being, but it also has other perks. A sense of accomplishment is just one of them, but learning how to be a good sport is perhaps even more valuable.
What does everything stated so far have in common? Childhood development includes a whole host of factors, including the sociological, biological, and cognitive. All of those can take advantage of extracurricular activities, whether it’s team based, solo, or in small groups. If you want your child to grow as a person and as a student, making the most out of extracurriculars is a great idea.

Don’t underestimate the importance of extracurricular activities. Your child can have fun, learn, and grow all at the same time!


How Old Is Your Child?


0 - 12 months


13 - 36 Months


3 Years


3 - 5 Years​

Before & After School

5 - 12 years